Advent Calendar Round Robin Anyone?
I want to round up authors to make this happen. Every day from Dec 1st to 25th every author in this round-robin would get the word out to their list with one author highlighted and presenting her gift to the readers.
There will be a blog on https://romanceadventcalendar.com that refreshes every day and showcases the current day’s author.
We should offer something free (preferably FREE, not sign-ups, although they would do, too) every day: short stories, coloring pages, gift card giveaways, Holiday recipes, $10 gift cards, signed paperbacks, jokes, calendar pages, links to funny videos, links to Kindle free days, any kind of swag. Of course, everything should be romance-related and stories beat swag any time. We could all pitch in for a big gift card on the last day. That might entice readers to stick to the list to the end.
An entry could read something like this:
Today’s sponsor is xy. She is a bestselling author of … [author bio]. You can find her on [favorite social medium or website or Amazon author page]. If you want to learn more about her, sign up to her newsletter [here]. Her gift to you today is [prequel short story, inserted right into email.] If you want to know how the story evolves, [buy Book 1 in series here.]
So although we give something away for free, we also have the chance to add our newsletter link, and social media links, and highlight a book of ours. I think this sounds worth the work to set up the newsletters.
I’ve created a Google spreadsheet for you to sign-up. Any additional info would be gathered once we know whether this is going to happen. Please state if you’re going to have a release/cover reveal/book announcement in December so that the email will highlight you on that very day.
We don’t need to be 24 authors, and they don’t have to be of the same genre (all romance though). I could prepare goodies for 3-4 days—the more, the merrier though. And—thinking big here!—we could have several round robins for different romance subgenres or heat levels if there are enough authors interested.
Access the Google spreadsheet and sign in to show interest
Join the Facebook group for discussion
And as I’ve been asked how to set this up and make sure that people don’t unsubscribe from the entire list, but just the calendar emails, I’ve written another lengthy instruction.